Saint Thomas More and Saint John Capistran, our patrons, were two great men who lived out todays Gospel. Thomas More left behind his wife, family and all he owns when he lost his life to protect the Church and the sanctity of marriage. He refused to surrender to the whims of Henry VIII, his earthly ruler, for the sake of the law of love of His heavenly King. Saint John Capistran left behind everything to become a Franciscan Friar and to serve the people of God. He was a dynamic preacher and reformer who fought against heresy and brought many people into the Body of Christ.
This is what we hope to do each day. No matter how old or how young, no matter where we are in life, we want to carry ourselves with that same devotion. How often do we relinquish that dedication to make an unkind remark or to get in the last word? How often do we relinquish that dedication to not be and do our best? Such little things as these come at a great price. As people of integrity, we strive in all things and in all situations to practice what we preach. We love as Jesus commands us to love. That great love is sacrificial and life affirming.
As true disciples, we have left everything to follow Jesus, our life, joy and salvation. As a saved people, we share the gift of that saving love with all God places in our hearts and lives. It is not an easy or convenient love, but one that demands our very best. May we always strive to be our best for God and our neighbor. May we be disciples, who like our patron saints, give all for the glory of God and the goodness of all. Let us be more, do more and love more.