I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone…
In this pastoral letter to Timothy, Paul reminds us that sometimes the smallest gifts make the biggest difference. We live in a word that is struggling, a world often overshadowed by darkness and tragedy. Still, this world is also full of goodness because of faithful believers and disciples who continue to do the work of Jesus each day. While some will do great things, most of us offer our own little contributions, those daily acts of love that make our world a better place. We do not have to do it all, but we all must do our part in building the kingdom.
Think about the times you sat patiently with a friend or a stranger and just listened as they poured out their hearts. Think about those times you offer a prayer for someone. Think about those times you sent a card to or visited someone who was ill. Think about the special times you spent with your family These may not be earth shattering events of the scale of things, but they are small acts of love that make a big difference. These are little acts of love that offer hope and light in the midst of the darkness.
The Gospel today once again reminds us that we have been entrusted with much and that God will continue to ask more of us. Maybe our daily spiritual prescription might be to perform small acts of love each day. A solid house is built one brick at a time. Acts of love are the building material of the Kingdom of God which we, with Jesus, build every day. May we continue to build something beautiful for the Lord and each other.