The celebration of Pentecost is often referred to as the “birthday of the Church.” The Lord, following his Ascension into heaven, promises to send his disciples the Advocate, the promise of God’s Love, and he pours this out upon his apostles and his Church on this day. Pentecost was originally a Jewish feast (the Feast of Weeks) that referred to offering the first fruits of the harvest in thanksgiving to God. However, in the early Church, this feast came to refer to the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. When the apostles were gathered in the upper room, the Lord himself appeared to them and breathed out the Holy Spirit upon them. Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is literally the personified love that exists between the Father and the Son. It is the Holy Spirit who, in Baptism, allows us to become the beloved children of God and who sanctifies us. The Spirit is the one who heals us and forgives our sins. He reminds us of all that Christ taught us, and he offers us gifts and fruits to help us build the Kingdom of God and truly become saints. Perhaps on this feast of Pentecost we can ask the Holy Spirit to come upon us and help us live out more fully our commitment to Christ and the Church. The Spirit is the one who gives us life; may we truly ask the Spirit to guide our minds and our hearts every day.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone, and especially those who have served our country and given a great sacrifice for our freedoms. As a reminder, the parish offices are closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of the holiday. Also, there is only one Mass on Memorial Day; a 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. John Capistran. There will continue to be only one Mass on all national holidays. This will be a 10:00 a.m. Mass that is alternated between St. John Capistran and St. Thomas More churches.
To all our grade school, high school, and college graduates, congratulations on your accomplishments. We are proud of you and of your talents; may God continue to bless you.
Please pray for Seminarian John Ferguson and his classmates, as they will be ordained Deacons on Saturday, June 3rd at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish (St. Sebastian Church). May God be with you John as you enter into service in God’s Church. We are grateful for your “yes” to Christ.