• Advent… starts this weekend! Advent is a special time to get ready for Christ’s coming, to “prepare the way of the Lord.” It is such a beautiful season, yet can get lost in the midst of the busyness of our lives as we prepare for Christmas. Plan to take advantage of the many opportunities our parish is offering to make this season meaningful, as listed in the bulletin, our website, and in the recent parish mailing. And try to not celebrate Christmas until Christmas! The Christmas season this year lasts until January 12, so consider keeping your Christmas decorations up until then!
• Our Scripture readings today… give some very practical advice to help us during this Advent season. Two quotes got my attention. The first is from today’s second reading. St. Paul writes: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another. Great advice to guide us, especially as our patience might wear thin as we prepare for Christmas. The second quote is from today’s Gospel. Jesus says: Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life. Good advice to follow not just at holiday parties, but whenever we are anxious! May our hearts be peaceful as we prepare to welcome the Prince of Peace.
• Today… we return to offering the chalice with the Lord’s precious blood at Communion time at Sunday and Holy Day Masses. This was the practice prior to Covid at both St. John Capistran and St. Thomas More. Now as one Parish, we’re happy to present this option again. The Church’s General Instruction on the Roman Missal states: “Holy Communion has a fuller form as a sign when it takes place under both kinds.” Yet receiving from the cup is an option, and the entire Christ is present under both the species of bread and wine. Please be patient with us as we work out the practical details.