Like most Pittsburghers, I grew up as a passionate sports fan. If the Steelers lost on Sunday, I would still be mad about it on Wednesday. However, as my mother would correctly remind me, there were more important and significant things on which to focus. Our readings today remind us that we are not to overly concern ourselves with the things of this world, but instead concern ourselves with the things of eternity. In 2 Maccabees, a very faithful Jewish family refuses to apostatize and renounce their traditions. They know that they are accountable to God for their actions, and so they courageously persevere in their faith even until the point of death. Luke’s Gospel also permits us to see that the things of eternity supersede the things of earth. In response to a ridiculous scenario about marriage, Jesus reminds the Sadducees that the resurrection is indeed real, and that heaven is not a repeat of earthly life. The point of our existence is to know God here so that we can live with him for all of time. This means that we need to make heroic sacrifices and be willing to stand up for faith when tempted and challenged. Are we willing to do that? Our answer has eternal consequences.
Town Hall – A reminder that our Town Hall meetings continue this Sunday, November 6th at 12:30PM at St. John Capistran in Capistran Hall and on Tuesday, November 8th at St. Thomas More in the Family Life Center at 7:00PM. We hope to see you there to hear your vision for our parish!
Election Day- Remember to vote in Tuesday’s election! There is a great document called Faithful Citizenship on the USCCB website to help inform how faith impacts our voting. Remember that not all issues are equivocal; we owe first and foremost a duty to protect and defend life. May God Bless our country and may he allow us to see His will in all things.