Just as vibrations, fluids, and nutrition directly form the baby from the mother's own body, God breathes life into us from the substance of God's own Self. We are shaped in God's own Divine Image and marked with the vibrations of God's own Voice; and since we know from Jesus that "the Father and I are one," we can be assured that we are also of one body with Jesus.
Since we are born of God's substance, there will be no way in our future life that we can be entirely deaf to the Voice of God. The Scripture tells us, "Faith comes by hearing." We all know, however, that at times, we don't really want to hear that Voice. We can try to ignore it. We can avoid prayer and times of reflection upon our situation; we can refuse to seek help or wisdom from others when we need it; we can keep busy and surround ourselves with as much loud music, noise, drink and distraction as we can bear.
This Easter season is the best time to have our hearing checked! When we listen to Jesus in the Scriptures, in prayer, in our daily lives with friends and families-let's try to listen with every fiber of our being-not just with our ears. To listen well requires more silence. Maybe it's time to go on a Day of Reflection, or a women's or men's retreat. When you listen with your whole body, your body's wisdom tells you what needs resting, changing, or renewing. You will hear the Good Shepherd calling you, who is longing to protect and refresh you.
Finally, the test of our hearing will be whether we resemble the disciples, who "knew only how to be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit." Jesus' love is so generous that it reaches the hearing of everyone and anyone. Let's listen generously, too.
Pastoral Plan and Parish Survey Today is the last day to participate in a Discipleship Survey which will be used in the formation of our parish pastoral plan. You are asked to reflect on your own spiritual growth and to provide feedback on our parish’s efforts to help you grow spiritually. All responses are confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole. The online link is available at https://portal.catholicleaders.org/d/yccyay. You may also scan this QR code to go directly to the survey:
We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to us as we plan and strive to be the best disciples and best Resurrection Parish we can be. We will receive the results this spring/summer at which time we will share what we have learned with the entire parish.
During the next several months, we will meet with the ministries and organizations of the parish for their input and to address how they live out the Works of Mercy. Following those meetings, we will conduct “Town Hall Meetings” for the entire parish so that everyone has an opportunity to offer input and to listen to others. All this input will be used in compiling a pastoral plan for the parish to help us not only to maintain our faith community but to produce a roadmap for the future.
It starts with you! Please take about 10 – 15 minutes to complete this survey! Thanks!
Mother’s Day thoughts... Special greetings today to all of our moms who are with us, and heartfelt prayers for all those who have gone before us. This holiday conveniently falls during the month of May, when the Church has traditionally turned our attention to the Blessed Mother in devotion and prayer. Many non-Catholic Christians do not understand our veneration of the Mother of God, but for us, it’s all in the family. One Catholic commentator has described Mary in this way: Isn’t it just like a Jewish mother to continue to show up at her children’s homes all over the world in different outfits? Enjoy this day with a lightness of heart that reflects our heavenly Father’s love for us as his precious children, entrusted to the care of moms who are not only dear to us, but so very dear to him that he chooses them as the vehicles of his gift of life.
Church Liturgical Environment Ministry We are always grateful for those who take time to make our churches beautiful for the holydays and other liturgical events. As we (hopefully) come out of our COVID period of time, it has become obvious that we are in need of members to fulfill this ministry. The Church Liturgical Environment Ministry is dedicated to serve the parish in preparing an atmosphere for worship that will invite the community to raise their hearts and minds to God in full, conscious, and active participation. The goal of this ministry is to care for all the elements of worship ensuring that the liturgical environment is appropriate, authentic, beautiful, and accessible by decorating both churches and the altar areas. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please call the parish office.