The success of the Harry Potter fantasy books has been called an “unbelievable phenomenon” in publishing. Over 500 million copies of the 7 books have been sold. Still, the Bible has sold from 2.5 to 5 BILLION copies. Sounds like a lot!
Some churches debate whether the Potter stories introduce children to magic and the occult; or do they actually help children subtly distinguish between forces of good and evil? Well, let’s look carefully at how Jesus deals with demons and diseases caused by evil forces.
Today, Jesus comes near to Peter’s mother-in law when he learns of her illness, takes her by the hand, and lifts her up. In Harry Potter, evil is usually attacked at a distance—by pointing a wand and reciting symbolic words. But with Jesus, his very touch brings healing. Why?
There is no evil that Jesus has not penetrated; he is deeply immersed in the swirl and storm of life’s good and evil. He was once described as “A man of sorrows, and acquainted with iniquity.” There is an intimacy, nothing distant about his care and healing. In fact, he heals those on the margins of society—women, lepers, those who are thought to be insane.
But above all, Jesus isn’t channeling some unknown dark power, such as Lord Voldemort’s. Jesus is the Son of God. He has the power of the Creator of all life filling him, lifting him up even from death. There’s nothing to fear in Harry Potter, as long as we remember, Jesus does not need to point a magic wand, because he himself IS the conduit of life: He IS the Way.
As we begin our new parish, one tool that we wish to embrace to communicate to our parishioners is Flocknote. This app can use either text messaging, email or a website to communicate with the parish and between the different ministries and organizations. To sign up for this free service from your phone text the phrase: Resurrectionpgh to the number: 84576. You may also go to and search for Resurrection Pittsburgh. You may receive messages in any method that you choose.
Some people have inquired, how to we get items placed in the bulletin, on the web page, on Facebook or Flocknotes. The following email addresses will direct your items to the right people. Please note, that items have to relate to the parish and that in some cases, like the bulletin there may not be enough space for a lengthy article. If using graphic images, please speak with Kate for assistance.
Bulletin articles: [email protected]
Web page, Facebook, Flocknotes: [email protected]
Technology (live streaming): [email protected]