Waiting, waiting, waiting. How much of your life is spent waiting with anxiety for test results… or to hear a teenager’s key in the door at night… or in a slow line at the supermarket. The frustration about most waiting seems to be simply the not knowing.
Today, the apostles see sights and sounds which they can’t understand: Jesus, Moses, and Elijah are being brilliantly transformed in glory on the mountain top—and the real waiting is just beginning! Jesus will die and be taken from them. They cannot live in the constant glory of the mountain top—and neither can we.
We know that our life purpose is to have a deep, life-changing relationship of love with God. But if we have not had a “mountain top experience” with Jesus, we may feel that the waiting is getting old. Where does this leave us? First, we make a very human mistake in thinking that we have NOT seen Jesus in his glory. It’s just that the mountain-top we were on with Jesus might have been a hospital delivery room where we gave birth or watched our baby being born. Or perhaps in a bedroom where we witnessed the blessed death of a “good and faithful servant” whom we will love forever.
We do not have to see God Almighty with human eyes to know God’s glory is with us. Sometimes God’s glory comes to us as God’s Mystery. When we touch the Mystery of life, death, birth, suffering, healing… God’s glory is there.
The Little Sisters of the Poor and their volunteers will be with us after all Masses this weekend to collect for their mission. Your contributions enable them to continue the work of their foundress, St. Jeanne Jugan, in caring for the elderly poor at their Home on Benton Avenue in Brighton Heights for the last 150 years. They are counting on your continued support.