On our Pastor’s Leter page, we will periodically have artcles submited by various staf members to the parish.
Dear Parishioners, I’m happy to provide a Young Adult Ministry update! We’ve had some great months ofering a variety of events in order to appeal to young adults with varying interests and busy schedules. We’re building a nice fellowship with regular atendees, and we’re frequently atractng new people who are curious about the events and topics. The environment is open, welcoming, and casual. It’s easy to jump in, meet new people, and partcipate at whatever level one is comfortable. Everyone is really nice and looking to meet other people who share a curiosity about the faith or a desire to live the faith more fully.
We have monthly small group discussions, called “Faith & Life” discussions, as well as larger group events such as Theology on Tap, speakers, and actvites. People can atend whatever works for their schedules and/or interests them.
The U.S. Catholic Church defnes young adults as anyone between the ages of 18-39, single or married. Our group has a few college students, and most atendees are in their 20s and 30s. We talk about strengthening our faith and navigatng life, work, and relatonships during young adulthood.
If you’re a young adult, please join us for upcoming events! If you’d like to recommend a family member to atend an event, please invite him/her to reach out to me or just show up! I can be reached at [email protected] or 412-983-0932.
Thursday, March 21 - Speaker: Catholic Colleges in the United States: History, Student Life, and Mission, a talk by Dr. Michael Rizzi, author of the book Jesuit Colleges and Universites in the United States: A History. Dr. Rizzi, of Pit Medical School, is a graduate of Georgetown University and received a Doctor of Educaton from the University of Pitsburgh in 2017. He is the frst to tell the story of Jesuit Colleges collectvely; a history of our higher educaton system and Catholic colleges operatng within it. He will explain that what we consider a normal college experience today is very diferent from student life in the past. 7:00 p.m. at The Yard VIP Room (in the Galleria)
Saturday, April 6 - Young Adult service actvity followed by a social outing! • Time: 12:00-4:00 p.m. • Organizaton: Special Olympics Allegheny County Swimming Tournament • Job Dutes: Registraton, staging, awards, tmers/recorders • Locaton: University of Pitsburgh - Trees Hall, 140 Allequippa Street, Pitsburgh, 15213 • We'll go out to a restaurant in Oakland afer! • Contact Bridgete by April 5 so you can be registered for the event with the young adult group: 412-983-0932
Saturday, April 13 - Young Adult Retreat: Time and locaton TBA, probably ~9am-4pm
Thursday, April 18 - Theology on Tap: Fr. Jef Craig, Pastor at St. Catherine Labouré Parish, will talk about "Living your Faith in the Modern World." 7:00 p.m. at The Yard VIP Room (in the Galleria)
Tuesday, April 23 - Faith & Life Discussion: We'll read and discuss a few paragraphs of Pope Francis' Christus Vivit, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortaton to Young People and to the Entre People of God. 7:00 p.m. at Dunkin across from the Galleria (1541 Washington Rd, Pitsburgh, 15228)