At the climax of the musical, “1776,” John Adams asks three questions as he ponders the future of our new nation. As he reflects alone in the bell tower, he hears a footstep on the stairs and ponders: Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see? He then gives his vision of an America of great promise, the promise of freedom and justice, a land of liberty and a light to other nations in the world.
Today, we hear three of Jesus’ most famous parables: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and the Prodigal Son. A shepherd goes above and beyond in seeking the lost sheep leaving the others in the wilderness. Our loving father seeks out the lost to bring them home. A woman cleans her entire home to find the coin she has lost so that she and her life might be whole again. Our Father seeks to make us whole and holy again. A father looks daily for his son until he has him home safe and sound, celebrating his return with gladness. Through these parables, Jesus asks us those same three questions: Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see? Jesus offers us His vision of unconditional love.
We are called to seek out the lost and help them rediscover all they can be in Jesus. We actively seek the lost sheep with loving compassion. We are called to assist those who are broken to become whole again, to build them up in the love of Christ that we too might be whole again. Without that one lamb or that one coin, we are not whole so we ask Jesus to guide us in our mission to be a whole and holy community. We are called to welcome the sinner back to the fold with mercy and forgiveness. Like Jesus, we seek the lost, seek their holiness and welcome them back with gracious love.
This vision of Jesus is our way of life. As a people restored, we seek to restore others. As a people forgiven, we seek to forgive others. As members of Jesus’ flock, we allow ourselves to be found and healed by Jesus that we may heal and find others. What a beautiful vision Jesus gives us in this wonderful and gracious way of life. Lost and found, lost and restored, lost and welcomed, we share this promise and vision with all who God brings into our lives.
This weekend, we celebrate the 50
th anniversary of Saint Thomas More Church. Our current Church was dedicated this same weekend 50 years ago. In December, we will celebrate the 47the anniversary of the dedication of Saint John Capistran Church. These two beautiful Churches represent a legacy of great faith and generosity. They represent all those wonderful people, past and present, who gave of themselves to build parish communities of joy, love and hope. As we come together this year, our two Church buildings provide our one family with places to pray, worship and to share our stories of faith as followers of Jesus Christ. Thank you all for your commitment and for your continued support of our parish.