We, the people of God, have completed another liturgical year, another chapter in the greatest story ever told, the history of our salvation in Christ. This final Sunday of the Liturgical year, we celebrate the ultimate triumph of Jesus as the King of the Universe, a King who poured out his life for us to conquer sin, fear and death forever. Christ is our King, our way, our truth and our life. Our King is one of compassion and forgiveness who wishes to welcome us all to the joy of eternal life if we but turn to Him.
Today may be an ending, but it also marks a continuation as we begin to relive that story of Jesus again in Advent. His is a story without beginning or end. Our Liturgical journey is a life-giving experience in which we continue to tell and live that story year after year each and every day of our lives. The story goes on and on. As we live out the Gospel, we tell that story in word and deed each day, generation after generation. Though His story begins with a quiet annunciation by an angel to a woman of deep faith, Mary, the story ends in the triumph of His eternal victory. So may we begin again in the simple stillness of our hearts, to hear His word and to participate in His sacraments that we too may share His victory.
We celebrate Christ Our King. We proclaim his glory. We live his word. With devout and holy lives we share his love with others. We look forward in hope to the day He comes again, to that day when we, his faithful people, share his victory. Walk in Christ with heads held high. Turn to Christ in need and in repentance. Live in Christ always.
Happy Thanksgiving:
As we pause to give thanks this Thursday, know that I will be thanking our God in prayer for each and every one of you. How blessed we are as a parish to have such wonderful parishioners. I am grateful to all of you for all you do each day to make our parish a wonderful place of faith. Thanks to my brother priests and deacons and our dedicated staff who are such a joy to be with and who work so very hard for us. Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.