• God gives us so much… and we are called to be stewards of God’s gifts. This includes people! How do we take care of one another? In our first reading, the prophet Amos urges us to take care of the poor and needy. Jesus reminds us in the Gospel that we must be honest and trustworthy in our dealings with one another. In so doing, may we only serve the Lord!
• Catechetical Sunday… is observed this weekend, as we ask God’s blessings at the start of this new year of religious education. Our 9:30 Mass today at STM is also our Religious Education Opening Mass, when we commission our catechists. We thank those who have generously volunteered to give their time and talent to this important ministry this year.
· Evenings of reflection… are planned for our parish Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers:
* EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are invited to a reflection evening on Wednesday, October 19, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at STM.
* LECTORS are invited to a reflection evening on Thursday, October 27 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at SJC.
I will facilitate these evenings along with our parish Pastoral Associate, Mary Swindal. The evenings will give ministers a chance to meet one another, reflect on their ministry, and discuss some practical issues. More information will be forthcoming. Please mark your calendars!