In this age of technology and instant access, people seek to be “in the know.” There are 24 hour news services on both television and on our phones and computers. People Magazine makes sure we are up to date on the latest celebrity news and facts about others who are the subject of headlines throughout the nation. The information, both true and false, is right there at our fingertips.
The good news is that God communicates with us on an instant access basis too through his word and his sacraments. He communicates through the wonderful gifts of creation, through sunrises and sunsets, the tallest and most majestic mountains and lush, fertile valleys. Our God is a God of wonders beyond all imagination who chooses to communicate his presence in ways both intimate and overwhelming.
Today, we hear once again that we are part of God’s communication plan. It is our love for one another that communicates that we are his disciples and that we are sent and loved by God to be vessels of good news, vessels of faith, hope and love. Jesus does not mince words here. He says, “As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Our love for each other is God’s cable or fiber optic network to reveal his disciples. The more we love each other, the more God is revealed and the more we show that we are faithful in our discipleship.
At the end of the musical, “Les Miserables”, Jean Valjean imparts this wisdom to his daughter, Cosette: “to love another person is to see the face of God.” May our love for God and for each other continue to grow and deepen each day. We are His disciples, His work of art, His face revealed to the world.