There was once a shy, skinny, 100-pound New Jersey kid named Eugene who tried out javelin throwing in high school. Gene grew so skilled that he got a scholarship to college, and dreamed of the Olympics. But when he tore a ligament in his shoulder, all dreams ended. He worked in a warehouse where he befriended a young actor… so Gene went to acting school, too.
His big break came being cast in a show called “Bonanza”, and later “Little House on the Prairie”—the skinny kid was Michael Landon. Later he created a new series, “Highway to Heaven,” because he was troubled by all the sex, trash, and selfishness on TV. There is so much today that Michael Landon would be shocked about on TV or the internet. And so would St. Paul, who tells us today, “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable… just…or pure; whatever is lovely… gracious…; anything that is excellent and worth praising, think about these things.” That is, “You want peace in your heart? Look at all the pure, lovely beauty around you—and praise all the good things in creation.”
Our brains are built to create strong habits out of the choices we make--“garbage in, garbage out.” So St. Paul says “keep on imitating the ways of Christ that you’ve learned from me.” But watching and laughing at real people on TV or the internet, shaming themselves with lustful or disgusting behavior only makes us coarser, weaker and more addicted. We end up making fun of our brothers and sisters whose characters are being destroyed by their weakness and lack of decency. Is that really entertaining?
Let’s find new ways to revel in the good and the beautiful. Let us feel God’s delight in the beauty around us!
Distribution of Holy Communion Slowly we are returning to our routines, this includes the rituals celebrated at Mass. Beginning next weekend, October 10th & 11th, we will resume distributing Holy Communion at the “regular time.” that is, following the Lamb of God. There are several things we have to remember:
For the reception of communion, please advance toward the altar ONE PEW AT A TIME.
At St. John’s there will be two stations in the center aisle for the distribution of the Eucharist. At St. Thomas More, there will be two stations in the center aisle and on station on the left and one station on the right side of the sanctuary.
Please maintain social distancing between you and the person in front of you.
It is preferred that you receive communion on the hand. If you receive communion on the tongue, please try to be the last person in line.
After the reception of communion, please return to your pew.
After the recessional hymn, please exit the church, maintaining social distance from others.
All doors to the church (both parishes) are open and can be used.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the parish office.