A woman posted on Facebook, “Tom and I are at a difficult crossroads—please pray for a major change we are about to make!” Friends worried, “Are they breaking up?” But the next day Tom posted, “We have to face the music! For our 35th wedding anniversary, we are signing up at a gym, quitting smoking, and going to Weight Watchers. Overwhelmed and scared, but we are making a total conversion! Pray for us!” Their “conversion experience” literally follows St. Paul’s words, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, and that you are not your own? Therefore, glorify God in your body.” Wow—that’s a shocker: Did you realize, “you are not your own?” This helps us understand why St. Paul says, “your body is not for fornication; it is for the Lord….” In the easy secular culture today, too many young people think that using their bodies for sex is “no big deal.” Yet it brings consequences kids don’t think about: teen depression and suicide at an all-time high; self-hatred in young women; babies which end up killed by abortion or raised by teen parents. Fornication is like all sin: sin trivializes us, and we are not trivial, we are sacred. You are not junk! God called you into life by name, and you were bought at a price. Keep listening to God’s voice in your family and community of faith. Learn how to eliminate whatever keeps you from being Christ to others. You will finally feel really free in knowing, “you are not your own”—because you are God’s.