Christmas is a time filled with many exciting things. Often there are gifts and gatherings, food and good times. But more than anything else, Christmas must be a time for us to step back and take in the deep and rich meaning of this sacred event. We must see, first, that God entered our human condition and, in doing so, is able to identify with all that we experience in life. God understands human life! He lived it.
Second, we must understand that the birth of the Savior of the World and His appearance to shepherds reveals that each one of us is invited to come and meet Him. God humbled Himself in the most profound way so that we could come to know Him and His perfect love for us. “Do not be afraid,” as the angel said, to come and behold the Christ who came as your Savior. Do not be afraid to come to meet Him, love Him, adore Him and get to know Him. God is given to us, today, as an infant. Small, weak, fragile and innocent. Do not be afraid to gaze upon His humble presence and to give glory to God for His blessed coming.
As we celebrate the birth of Our Lord, all of us: the priests, deacons, seminarians and staff wish to thank you for your remembrances of us during this sacred season. Thank you for the cards, the well wishes and the goodies!
Today begins the Christmas Season. Christmas will conclude with the Baptism of Our Lord on January 9th. Challenge yourself to leave your Christmas decorations in place for the whole season and to focus on the love that God has for you!