I would like to give you some updates on the work being done at both of our beautiful churches.
First, at St. John Capistran, many of you are asking about the roof and what’s going on. We have been working with an engineer regarding the structural beam on the McMillan Road side of the church, which has significant water-damage. The plans for the replacement beam are complete and have been submitted to Upper Saint Clair Township. We have received a permit to proceed with the replacement of the beam. Right now, the beam is being manufactured to the engineer’s drawings, and we are about 4-6 weeks out from having the finished beam delivered. Once the new beam is ready, cranes will be brought in to remove the old beam and the new one will be installed. Then the roof work can continue and be completed. We have about $35,000 left over from the Church Alive campaign at St. John Capistran. The cost of the beam and installation is roughly $42,000. The rest will come out of the parish budget.
Also, I hope you have noticed the renovations we are doing in Capistran Hall. Right now, we have replaced all the old fluorescent tube lights with all new LED lights, and have put in LED pot lights. All new ceiling tile has been installed in the hall. We are currently working on updating the walls; with a fresh coat of paint and the installation of new wainscoting. When this project is complete, we will be stripping and waxing the hall floor. We hope this work we are doing will create a brighter, more appealing venue for those looking to rent the hall for baptisms, baby showers, wedding showers, or any other event. It will be both attractive and functional.
Once we complete Capistran Hall, we will move on to work in the offices, hallway, library, and the CGS atriums. Updates to these spaces are much needed.
At St. Thomas More, we are still waiting on the electrical panels. The company is still several weeks out from getting them manufactured because of supply chain issues. Once we receive the panels, we will schedule a date to shut down the church and offices in order to complete the installation.
We recently had some curbs and storm drains repaired around campus. Some of the storm drains were not catching the rainwater, so we addressed and fixed that issue. In the next few weeks, we will be getting the parking lot cracks filled in. We will then repaint the parking lot spaces and handicap spots.
We are still getting the kinks worked out in the new Mag Locks that were installed on the doors, but they have been working better.
We had a pump motor blow out on the generator for the school, but that repair has been completed.
I will keep you updated on things happing around both campuses. As always, if you have any questions, you can call me at the church.
Thank you, Jock Janaszek Facilities Director Resurrection Parish