Please stop by St. Thomas More Church on Sunday, June 13th from 1-3 pm with donations of Diapers and Wipes to be distributed by Catholic Charities. These items are given to expectant mothers at the prenatal office in the eight surrounding counties Catholic Charities serves.
Just place your donation in your trunk, enter the Oxford Drive lot, drive through the circle, and pop your trunk. Volunteers will take your donation, close the lid, and we all maintain social distance.
There will also be a box available to place your monetary donation if you choose to write a check. Checks can be made out to: Ladies of Charity. God bless you, thank you, and we will see you on Sunday, June 13th!
There will be boxes to drop off Diapers and Wipes after Masses only on June 12th and June 13th. These boxes will be located at the entrances to both St. Thomas More and St. John Capistran.