Following Jesus is our life and our mission. Following Jesus is a challenge and a promise. It is a call to enter into His journey of life giving service. As Jesus poured himself out for the salvation of the world, we continue that life giving work through our sacrifices. Jesus calls us to embrace this mission with our entire body, mind and spirit. When He is not welcomed by the Samaritans because of an ancient grudge, Jesus offers no retaliation. Rather, he chooses to move on in a spirit of compassionate healing. Maybe, it wasn’t the right time or maybe the people weren’t ready yet for so great a gift allowing a grudge to blur their vision. Jesus’ vision was clear. He would live and proclaim the Kingdom of God.
As we walk this journey together, we pray that Jesus will keep our vision clear. Our hearts resolute and our faith courageous. As His disciples, we follow the example and teaching of the Master. We often lay down our life to overcome feelings of hurt and anger, stubbornness and sinfulness to rise to new life in and through the gift of our Savior. These little martyrdoms make us stronger in our resolve and our dedication. Above all and in all things, we seek to do the Father’s will through the Son, with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus never relates that this is an easy mission, but always reminds us that it is worth it because it leads to eternal life. So, this day, we once again answer his call to follow and we do so with great faith, hope and love. As we do follow, we draw closer to God and each other and make the world a better place.
Thank you:
Thanks to all of our staff, volunteers and parishioners for making this year’s MoreFest such a success. Your generous gift of time and talents was absolutely outstanding. We are blessed to have this great parish family visible in two vibrant parishes coming together as one great family of faith. Thank you so much for all you have done and all you do. You are a blessing I thank God for each and every day.
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July as we give thanks to God for our great land and our commitment to freedom, justice and peace.