From Fr. Peter: Our first major challenge is only a week away as we change the Mass schedule next week. Though the times will change, we will still celebrate the Eucharist with vibrant faith and joyful participation at both of our churches, Saint Thomas More and Saint John Capistran. As we move forward in becoming one family of faith, we will face opportunities and challenges, but with our congregation growing, I am certain we will be up to the challenge. I am honored to welcome Fr. Jim Chepponis and Fr. Jim Bedillion to our team. They are two fine priests dedicated to serve the people of God with energy and excellence. I am privileged to have them as brother priests. I am very thankful for all of the lay volunteers in the various ministries we have as they add energy to what we are and do and assist us in many ways to grow in faith, love and service. I am grateful that we have a thriving school committed to excellence in Catholic education with the best teachers, staff and administration. Set on a strong foundation, I am optimistic about our future as a vibrant parish. This new chapter is full of excitement and, if we are honest, some trepidation as well. We will do great things together for the glory of God and the goodness of the people entrusted to our care.
We are reminded today that we must become childlike in our faith, not childish. We must use God’s grace and our imagination to overcome fear of the future to create a new and bold present. A childlike faith moves beyond our fears to an open trust in God and His plan for us, in other words, letting go and letting God. Centered on God, all things are possible. As the Gospel today also speaks so beautifully of the sacrament of marriage, I invite all of us to see the coming together of our parishes as a divine joining of two communities of faith. The two will become one and we will be stronger together because God is the third partner in this sacred union of parishes. So let us begin in hope, in faith, in joy, in enthusiasm and most of all in love. We are defined by the manner in which we love – love of God, love of self and love of neighbor. So, as we become one family in faith, we stay focused on Jesus, our center. He is our way, our truth and out life. He us always with us. Each and every Sunday, we proclaim that to the world. Each and every day, we serve in His name, We are truly the one body of Christ. With many gifts and diverse talents, we will build up the Body of Christ through word and example.
Don’t Forget: “Octoberguest”
As we now move forward in becoming one family of faith, we are bringing together two outstanding communities filled with good and faithful servants of the Lord. On October 15, our new Mass and Reconciliation schedule will begin, our first step together. I am confident that we will begin with a spirit of welcome and hospitality. I am suggesting that we have an “Octoberguest” program. I am asking that you, on one Sunday in October, visit Saint John Capistran for Mass and that our friends at Saint John Capistran visit here for one Mass. No one will check up on you, but it is a way we can learn about each other and our two wonderful churches. Our new team of priests will begin rotating Masses between the sites as well. Let us make the most of our new beginnings.