Our beautiful first reading from the Prophet Isaiah speaks of the king of peace that only God can give. This sense of peace is more than the absence of war. This peace is one of wholeness and holiness in which every creature under heaven is in right relationship with God, self, others and creation itself. This is the peace we seek. Isaiah proclaims that this is the peace the Messiah will give through the outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
John the Baptist, in our Gospel reading, cries out that it is time to make straight the path for the Lord, a task that includes allowing the Lord to clear the path for us. We are all so busy at this time of the year, but we must find time to let God enter our lives. Through silence and prayer, we open our hearts that the Lord may straighten our path to Him and, with His gracious help, we begin to make our return to him in joy and faith.
Advent is our time to begin again. This holy season of joy filled preparation and anticipation reminds us to always be ready to welcome the Lord. Look for the Lord in daily cares and concerns. See the Lord in each other and our neighbor. Allow the Lord to work with us and through us. Live holy lives that boldly proclaim the wonderful presence of our God. God is with us and for us. We welcome his future coming as we honor with reverence his presence here now in word and sacrament. Let us make straight His path.