We begin again. We wait and watch in hope for the coming of the Lord. We prepare for His coming and we allow the Lord to prepare the way for us to draw ever closer to him. Advent is a season of dual focus. The first part centers on the final coming of Jesus which we await with hopeful and joyful hearts. The second part draws us into the mystery of the Incarnation at Christmas as we recall the birth of our Savior. Our Advent wreath symbolizes God’s eternal love for us and our growth in the Light of Christ our Savior.
To grow in the light and love of Christ, we slow our pace in this hectic season to contemplate how we allow the light of Christ to shine through us. We take time to pray, be more thoughtful and generous, to prepare our hearts to welcome the Lord in this sacred season and throughout the year. In this humble beginning, we ask God to open our hearts to his presence that we might do great things in His name. Like Mary, our Blessed Mother, we glorify the Lord and praise Him in all we are and do. In the midst of all the hectic activity of this season, we place ourselves in the hands of the Lord that He might send forth His light and Life into us that we might share it with our world.
And so, let us begin again with hope, faith and love. Let us light up the world with Christ. May we all have a blessed Advent because great beginning point toward great things in our future. Be the Light. Be the Miracle. It is Christ who shines in you.