The true prophet will always communicate the word of God, telling the people of God what they need to hear not what they want to hear. For all of his efforts, Jeremiah was thrown into the cistern. For all of his efforts, Jesus was put to death. Jeremiah and Jesus remained firm in their resolution to bring the word of God to the people. This living word of God is challenging and at times can be unsettling.
Last week, Deacon Bill preached about the courage of the pioneers. The pioneers, as did our ancestors, made bold decisions to move into a new land. They refused to settle or simply be settlers. Abraham and Sarah left everything behind to follow God in faith when they were in their seventies. Marty, as a young woman, opened her heart and boldly said yes to God. They were on fire for God and his Kingdom, on fire for God in faith. Today, the Gospel challenges us to live with that same fire, the fire to make our world a place of justice and peace, prayer and promise.
We are called to ignite the world with faith, hope and love. We are to be on fire for Christ.
I am proud to say that this parish community is filled with that fire. We are prophetic voices who fight for human rights, the dignity and preservation of all human life, decent housing and employment. We seek to build a church community that is alive and vibrant in our faith, inviting others to find the joy we find in following Jesus each day. We proclaim what we believe and we live what we believe. Now we set out again as pioneers and prophets.
By July of next year, the wonderful communities of Saint John Capistran and Saint Thomas More will become one parish and the possibilities are endless. As we begin this coming together, we will be prophets who honor our traditions and create new ones. Change is never easy but if our Ancestors could do it in their old age and in the promise of their youth, I am sure that we too can be pioneers, bold and courageous in building a vibrant, holy and unified community centered on the foundation of Jesus Christ.