The Children’s Hour: Be sure and introduce children to this dynamic relationship with the Living God in Eucharistic Adoration! Teach them about Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and bring them into the chapel! Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs (Mt 19:14). While it is important to maintain silence in the chapel, it is quite reasonable to bring the little ones in for as long as their attention span will allow. No one expects little ones to be perfectly silent. There are children’s books on the book shelf. Teaching them about the Real Presence at a young age solidifies a life-long love of Jesus in the Eucharist. When they get older, if they have developed a relationship with their Eucharistic Lord, they will seek His Presence in difficult moments, and keep their Catholic Faith!
For parents of young children, we are blessed to have some volunteers to help you out on Tuesday mornings from 10-11AM! You can bring your children to the nursery, located in the Family Life Center, from 10-10:30AM on Tuesdays. During the first half of the hour, parents are invited to adore the Lord in the chapel. Then at 10:30AM you may pick up the children and bring them to the chapel to adore. This hour is put aside for parents and children, so the natural noise that children make is expected during this hour.
Parents and Teachers: Please see the resources below to help teach children about Eucharistic Adoration: