What is an adoration group? There are currently 7 adoration groups connected to Lamb of God Chapel, ranging in size from 2 to 33 members. An adoration group takes turns adoring during the same time every week on a rotating schedule. One of the chapel adoration groups schedules two adorers per hour so that the members don’t have to wait that long to adore.
Most often these groups consist of members of a ministry or an apostolate in the South Hills. The member that signs in to adore will pray for the other members of their group, and for a blessing on their ministry or apostolate. But anyone can form an adoration group: a family, a group of friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.
Matt Hill shares the following, “More’s Men participation numbers were at an all-time low of 4-5 guys per week. Fr. Joe convinced us to take the 6-7 am hour during our meeting. We thought our numbers would go down to 3-4 guys per meeting. Our numbers are now up to 16-20 guys every week, along with the man in the adoration chapel. Our group truly feels it is the grace of God blessing us with a miracle!!!”
All you need to begin is to choose a weekly hour to share. Chapel schedules are posted in the foyers and extra copies are outside the chapel. You may choose any hour that works in the group members’ schedules. Several men’s groups have taken nocturnal or early morning hours, enjoying the serenity of those very quiet hours, while at the same time taking on the challenge of offering the sacrifice involved.
Then, each group member needs to register as an adorer in the chapel if they are not already registered. You can use a regular sign-up form outside the chapel, and indicate the name of your adoration group at the top.
One group member needs to be designated as the group leader. This person will be contacted by the group coordinator, and will let her know the order of the group rotation to adore, and will give us the list of group members.
On the first of every month, the group schedule goes out by e-mail to all the group members so that they can mark their calendars. The computer system is set up to accommodate groups, and the schedule can be easily adjusted by the group coordinator if needed.
If you want to try adoring regularly, or just want to obtain some grace for your ministry, an adoration group is a great way to begin. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing (Jn 15:5).